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We are energetic children…

learning that God can be trusted no matter what.

We are


putting our faith in action during school, work, and play.

We are Single Men & Women…

who are more interested in being the right person than in looking for the right person.


We are parents…

trying to raise children to have eternal values that do not shift with every emerging media message.

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We are seasoneD…

sharing a lifetime of wisdom with the generations to come.

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we are a family…

diverse in age, race, nationality, income levels and marital status who share one mission:

The Mandarin Church of Christ works together to guide people into a growing relationship with Jesus.

Our Core Practices

A - Adore God
B - Belong to each other
C - Care for our world
D - Disciple intentionally
E - Evangelize authentically

Want to know more about the Beliefs of the Mandarin Church of Christ?

Click Here