Bread Ministry to local apartments
Every Tuesday night one of our members picks up bread from Publix that has reached its sell-by date. The next day volunteers sort the bread at our building and make deliveries to five apartment complexes nearby.
The bread ministry has opened many doors for us in getting to know people in our community, hosting various events to serve their needs, and sharing the Gospel.
Food Pantry
Our members do an awesome job of keeping our food pantry stocked with non perishable food items. When someone comes to us with a need, we do everything we can to share a generous amount of food.
In addition to our food pantry, we provide “blessing bags” to the homeless. Members keep these blessing bags in their cars so they can have something helpful to give to anyone they see in need along the roadside.
Taylor Care
Taylor care ministry activities vary but focus on demonstrating love and support to Taylor residents.
For example, at Christmas time members respond to needs with small gifts or clothing to make sure no one is forgotten. Members also periodically lead worship services on the Taylor campus.